Mixing Up Media
Mixing up Media: The Expansiveness of Graphic Narratives
Mixing up Media is a Hayden’s Ferry Review student internship project created by Scott Adiconis, one of our editorial assistants from the fall 2023 semester.
From Editorial Assistant Scott Adiconis: In the diverse and expansive world of comics and graphic media, there’s one out there for everyone. Whether you prefer prose-driven stories, experimental illustrations, or dialogue-driven stories, you'll find something that appeals to you here. As demand for multimodal works increases, more and more artists and authors from various mediums are trying their hand at comics and graphic or visual essays. Contributors to this collection include poets, sequential artists, and graphic artists. Each utilizes their unique artistic perspective and background to tell a compelling story through both prose and illustration.
While the popularity of the comic medium has grown in recent years thanks to TV and film, it remains a challenge for small and independent creators to share their works with their target audiences. Without the backing of a major publishing company or the recognition that comes with penning for an established franchise, it can be difficult to establish a fanbase and grow a brand when so many comic consumers are already attached to their favorite stories and entrenched in the surrounding communities.
Unlike the megacorporations dominating the industry, small artists have the unique opportunity to connect with their readers, offering a more intimate and human experience which can in turn lead to passionate and dedicated fans.
This folio features graphic narratives, visual poems, comics, and sequential art from previous contributors Juniper Kim (issue 68), Jennifer Murvin (issue 69), and new contributors Dylan Webb and Joe DeLong. Their talent, creativity, and unwavering dedication to craft have enriched both the comic and literary world and we are privileged to showcase your spectacular work.
Select the below images to view each writer’s graphic narrative and short accompanying interviews about their works and their creative processes.