Pat McCrory: a poem comic
By Rush Pittman with drawings by Colleen Louise Barry
Rush Pittman is a trans & queer man living in Western Massachusetts. His poetry has appeared in Queen Mobs Teahouse, Cosmonauts Avenue, PHANTOM, Booth and other various journals. He is the author of the chapbooks Mad Dances for Mad Kings (Factory Hollow Press, 2015) and There Is One Crow That Will Not Stop Cawing (Another New Calligraphy, 2016). He earned his MFA at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Colleen Louise Barry is a writer and artist. Her work can be seen in jubilat, Sixth Finch, Forklift, Ohio and other places. She runs Mount Analogue, a weirdo publishing project and art/bookshop in Seattle, WA. @colleenlouisebarry / @themountanalogue /