Josh Tvrdy
Fagment 4
after Wayne Koestenbaum
a twunky straight
calls me sir
and a singular chest-hair
on my sternum
two steaming heaps
of dog vomit
on the sidewalk
I count thirty-three
undigested Purina pellets
a good reminder
that speed
is the enemy
that truth
must be chewed
I would enjoy Evan
far more
if his head
was a jar of pickles
nostril penetrated
by an errant spinach stalk
(surprisingly pleasant)
for a queen lizzie decal
on the back of busted subarus,
she lives
Josh Tvrdy (he/him) is a writer, editor, teacher, and content creator from Tucson, Arizona. Winner of a 2021 Pushcart Prize, he recently graduated with an MFA in Poetry from North Carolina State University. He won Gulf Coast's 2018 Prize in Poetry, and his work can be found in POETRY, New England Review, Image Journal, The Georgia Review and elsewhere. He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.