Unusual Call for Submissions
"Imitation is the highest form of flattery." The online literary magazine qarrtsiluni, now in its 7th year of operation, has just issued a call for submissions to an imitation-themed issue. The deadline is November 30. Details here.
Each month SWITCHBACK provides a prompt and asks writers to send their best work inspired by that prompt. The winning entry as decided by their editors is then featured on SWITCHBACK. The November prompt is: "Nobody ever knows anything for a fact." Details here.
Writer Advice's latest submission opportunity regards a moment in time that altered your world forever. Share 50 to 500 words of prose or up to 24 lines of poetry. It can be as small as picking up the telephone or as big as a hurricane. It can be as global as the impact of 9-11 or as personal as the discovery that your perfect baby has a chronic disease. It can be the start or end of a job or the time you responded to a Craigslist ad and found love. What moment altered your world forever? Submit to Lgood67334@comcast.net. DUE: December 10, 2011.
A unique opportunity brought to you by Unstuck's premiere release! To celebrate the upcoming release of the first issue, they're holding a fee-free contest with some unusual prizes. This is a micro-lit contest (miniature stories, miniature essays, and poems). Entry fee: $0, natch, although the contest is OPEN ONLY TO THEIR TWITTER FOLLOWERS. Link to UnstuckMag's twitter here. Last day entries will be accepted: December 31, 2011. Details here.
Each month SWITCHBACK provides a prompt and asks writers to send their best work inspired by that prompt. The winning entry as decided by their editors is then featured on SWITCHBACK. The November prompt is: "Nobody ever knows anything for a fact." Details here.