féi hernandez
2 luv u @ the end of world
for Sway
féi hernandez (b.1993, Chihuahua, Mexico) is a trans, formerly undocumented immigrant. féi is a poet/prosist, cultural worker, designer/illustrator, and a life doula. Descendant of the Raramuri, Pi’ma, and Cora peoples, féi is devoted to eradicating borders, deconstructing colonial impositions, and unearthing ancient codes for a safer world to ensure the continual legacy of Black and non-Black Indigenous futures. She is a 2023 Lambda Literary fellow and 2022 Tin House Scholar. féi is the author of HOOD CRIATURA (Sundress Publications 2020) and the forthcoming (UN)DOCU MENTE (Noemi Press, 2025). féi has been published in Poetry Foundation, Academy of American Poets, Autostraddle, PANK Magazine, Somewhere We are Human, TransLash Media & Narrative, and more. For more of her projects and services visit: feihernandez.com