Hayden's Ferry Review


Posts in Interviews
Unhinging and Unspooling: Allegra Hyde Interviews Lisa Locascio

While finishing my term as prose editor for Hayden’s Ferry Review, I had the chance to work on our literary darling: the “Chaos Issue.” Gathering material for this issue granted the opportunity to engage with writers exploring the far-reaches of form and content, among them Lisa Locasio. Though her contribution to the issue, “Lab,”  runs fewer than two pages, it presents readers with a starkly uncomfortable, yet eerily engrossing situation, the jarring honesty of which is hard to shake. Locascio and I spoke over Skype in March.

-Allegra Hyde

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A Mini-Q&A with Matthew Kilbane


HFR: "In the Manner of the Church” is obviously a narrative poem, and yet the lyricism hiding behind the narrative is what we enjoyed most about this piece. The dual assonance in lines like “hours of arduous practice” and “Seated center in the front row I froze though” imitate the action of "climbing chromatics”. Even the formatting of the line-breaks and indentation makes a reader half-swoon through the language. Was it your intention, given the subject matter, to make the poem as much about the sound as possible? 

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Are We Doing It Wrong?: Interview with a Creative Writing Graduate

A Deconstruction of the Anxieties Associated with English majors, Fiction Writers, and Beyond

In this final installment of "Are We Doing It Wrong?," Dana Diehl, current editor-in-chief of Hayden’s Ferry Review and soon-to-be MFA graduate, speaks about her life as a writer and offers advice for those feeling wary about writing as both a passion and career choice. She also asserts that pandas are the cure to cynicism.  

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Behind the Masthead: Aria Curtis

The wonderful Aria Curtis, incoming International Editor, spoke with intern Sarah Todd Stansbury about travel, writing, and reading.

STS: What drew you to the position of International Editor?

AC: Oh, wow. Where to start. I think my upbringing had a lot to do with it. My mother is Iranian and my father is American, and I went to an International School where I was in a Spanish-English bilingual program.

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Behind the Masthead: Sue Hyon Bae

Our new International Editor, Sue Hyon Bae, discusses Mark Doty, Korean euphemisms, and the lack of seasons in the desert with intern Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen: You’re the new International Editor at HFR—what does that title mean to you?

Sue Hyon Bae: Being constantly surprised, from the moment I accepted the position and every time I look at the queue and find a new amazing translation. I’d applied for poetry editor initially and was flattered but alarmed to be made international editor. It’s also a lot of responsibility; since we don’t have international readers, my fellow international editor Aria and I are solely in charge of choosing which translations to publish, without any third opinions.

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Behind the Masthead: Dustin Pearson

Our new Managing Editor, Dustin Pearson, discusses adult-like things, sushi rice, and the most important thing he’s discovered since joining HFR (himself) with intern Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen: You’re the new Managing Editor at HFR—what does that title mean to you?

Dustin Pearson: Well, right now it means doing all the correspondence between our contributors. So the way that our process works is: the genre editors, they’ll go through the material—after it’s been passed up from the first, second, and third readers—and they’ll go through it, basically decide which pieces that they want, and then they’ll accept the piece initially.

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Behind the Masthead: Kevin Lichty

Our new special projects editor, Kevin Lichty, discusses top secret plans, old radios, and Toy Fox Terriers.

Shelby Heinrich: Special projects editor sounds like a very interesting and important title. What exactly does this title entail? 

Kevin Lichty: The special projects editor is job made and remade every year. Essentially, any idea that an editor has (as an individual or as a collective "editors") that falls outside of the traditional pages of HFR and everyone loves, it is the special project editors job to make that idea happen. 

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